The following ancestors have been documented to have been resident, prior to 12 July 1729, in the portion of the Province of Carolina which became North Carolina. This list constitutes only those ancestors represented in the Order; additional ancestors continue to be proven, documented and added to our rolls.
Aaron Albertson
Albert Albertson, Sr. Nathaniel Albertson William Albertson Simon Anderson Warren Andrews John Aldridge Richard Allen, Jr. Charity (Alston) Dawson John Alston Joseph John Alston Philip Alston Solomon Alston William Alston John Archbell John Baptista Ashe Samuel Ashe Thomas Avent Alexander Avera I Thomas Avera, Sr. Nathaniel Averitt (of Onslow) William Bailey Henry Baker William Baldwin John Baner John Barclift Samuel Barclift William Barclift I William Barclift II Jacob Bardin John Bardin Thomas Barecock Richard Barfield, Sr. Richard Barfield, Jr. Edward Barnes Jacob Barnes Jesse Barnes Joseph Barnes John Barrow William Barrow John Bass Jonathan Bateman Thomas Bateman I Thomas Bateman II William Bateman Abraham Baum James Beasley, Sr. James Beasley, Jr. Robert Beasley Edmund Bellinger, Landgrave John Belman Grace (Bennett) Hill William Bennett Ann (Bigg) Batchelor Fewox John Bishop John Blackman Col. John Blake Mary (Blake) Baker Aaron Blanchard Benjamin Blanchard Benjamin Blount Charles Blount Capt. James Blount James Blount, Jr. John Blount (1721) John Blount (1765) Capt. Thomas Blount I Thomas Blount II John Bobbitt John Bond Richard Bond Sheriff Thomas Bonner Joseph Boon Joseph Boon II James Boone Thomas Boswell Richard Bounds Samuel Boutwell John Boyce Benjamin Boykin Edward Boykin, Jr. Francis Boykin John Branch James Braswell Richard Braswell II Richard Braswell III William Bridgers Henry Bright Simon Bright William Bright John Bright (of Beaufort) John Bright (of Currituck) John Brown Thomas Brown William Brown William Brown (of Martin) Edward Bryan Edward Bryan II John Bryan (of Craven) Col. Joseph Bryan Needham Bryan Needham Bryan II William Bryan James Bryant, Sr. James Bryant, Jr. John Bryant Lewis Bryant William Bryant Caleb Bundy John Bundy William Bundy John Bunn John Burnham Rose (Bush) Wynns William Bush Jacob Butler Mary (Butler) Keile John Byrd John Cake, Sr. James Campen Robert Campen Dennis Cannon Edward Cannon John Cannon William Carraway, Sr. Edward Carter Moore Carter Thomas Cartwright William Cartwright James Castellow Edmund Chancey, Sr. Edmund Chancey, Jr. Ruth (Chancey) Baker John Charles Samuel Charles William Charles William Charlton Joseph Chew Timothy Clare John Clarke I John Clarke II Major Clarke George Coburn, Sr. George Coburn, Jr. Robert Coleman John Collins Thomas Cook Arthur Cotton John Cotton John Cotton II John Cotton III Christian (Council) Bryan John Coward William Coward Robert Coxe, Sr. John Cranford William Cranford William Stancell Crisp John Cropley Thomas Cullen John Culpeper Johan Cünys/Koonce George Cünys/Koonce James Curry Christopher Dale Owen Daniel Robert Daniel I Thomas Daniel James Dauge Peter Dauge John Davenport, Sr. Richard Davenport Jehu Davis Samuel Davis, Sr. Susannah (Davis) Boyce Thomas Davis Nicholas Daw William Daw, Sr. Francis Delamare, Sr. Francis Delamare, Jr. Ann (Depp) Bryan Jean Depp Thomas Devane John Dew II John Dew III John Dickinson Richard Dorman James Drake John Drake James Draughon Walter Draughon Christopher Dudley Thomas Dudley George Durant John Early, Sr. John Early, Jr. Joseph Edmondson John Edwards Richard Elkes Thomas Elliott William Elliott Robert Ellis "Trader" Joseph Evans III Sir Richard Everard Thomas Everett Nathaniel Everitt John Falconar James Farlee, Sr. Capt. James Farlee Richard Felton Adam Ferguson, Sr. Adam Ferguson, Jr. John Fonville John Forbes Benjamin Foreman, Sr. Benjamin Foreman, Jr. John Foreman Robert Forster Elias Fort George Fort I George Fort II Francis Foster William Foster James Foyle John Freeman Samuel Freeman William Freeman John Fulford Joseph Fulford, Sr. Joseph Fulford, Jr. Thomas Futrell John Gardner Daniel Garrett William Gause Henry Gibbs, Sr. Rev. Joseph Glaister Cary Godbee John Godley George Gordon John Gordon Christopher, Baron de Graffenreid Thomas Grandy, Sr. Richard Graves Thomas Graves Griffith Gray Capt. Farnifold Green I James Green Richard Gregory Thomas Gregory William Gregory Benjamin Griffin Joseph Hall |
Daniel Halsey
John Halsey Col. William Hancock Capt. William Hancock II Jasper Hardison John Hardison John Hardy Lemuel “Lamb” Hardy William Hardy Samuel Harrell Thomas Harrell, Sr. Thomas Harrell, Jr. Thomas Hart Anthony Haskett, Sr. Anthony Haskett, Jr. William Haskett Edward Hassell John Hassell, Sr. Charles Haughton, Sr. Sarah (Helmot) Leigh John Henby, Sr. John Henby, Jr. John Herring, Sr. John Herring, Jr. Joshua Herring Daniel Highsmith, Sr. George Hill Isaac Hill Richard Hill Robert Hill Jeremiah Hilliard William Hilliard John Hinnant I John Hinnant, Sr. John Hinton Abraham Hobbs Thomas Hobbs John Hobson Richard Hodges Robert Hodges Luke Hollowell Edward Holmes, Sr. John Holmes William Hooker William Hooker II William Hooks, Sr. William Hooks, Jr. Moses Horn Thomas Horn William Horn Thomas Hoskins, Sr. Thomas Hoskins, Jr. George Hughes Isaac Hunter Lebbeus Hunter Nicholas Hunter (of Onslow) Robert Hunter William Hunter Hugh Hyman Christian Isler Nicholas Isler Daniel Jackson, Sr. Daniel Jackson, Jr. William Jackson John Jarrett Jonathan Jarvis Richard Jarvis Gov. Thomas Jarvis Richard Jasper Samuel Jasper Osborne Jeffreys Simon Jeffreys Gov. John Jenkins John Jennings William Jennings John Jernigan Thomas Jessup I Thomas Jessup II Jacob Johnson William Johnson (of Carteret) William Johnson (of Chowan) Evan Jones, Sr. Evan Jones, Jr. Frederick Jones Henry Jones Peter Jones, Sr. Philip Jones Richard Jones Thomas Jones Arthur Jordan John Jordan Israel Joyner Thomas Kearney Zachariah Keaton, Sr. Zachariah Keaton, Jr. Thomas Keile Hannah (Kent) Smithwick Green Graves Thomas Kent Abraham Kimberley, Sr. William Kinchen II William Kinchen III Charles King Henry King Michael King, Sr. Michael King, Jr. Michael King III Esther (Kirby) Ricks Thomas Kirby, Sr. George Kornegay John George Kornegay Benjamin Laker Katherine (_____) Langston Leonard Langston, Sr. Benjamin Lane Dutton Lane Joseph Lane, Sr. Joseph Lane, Jr. Walter Lane Robert Lanier John Lawrance I William Lawrence James Lee I James Lee II John Lee, Sr. John Lee, Jr. John Leigh James Leigh, Sr. James Leigh, Jr. Alexander Lillington James Lockhart Benoni Loftin Cornelius Loftin Leonard Loftin Leonard Loftin, Jr. Thomas Loftin James Long I James Long II James Long III James Long IV James Long V William Loveridge Thomas Lovick William Lowe Thomas Luten William Luten Daniel McDaniel Barnaby McKinne John McKinne Lawrence Mackque Peter Mallard John Mann Thomas Mann II Joell Martin John Martin (of Northampton) John Martin (of Pasquotank) William Martin Ann (Marwood) Durant John Mason, Sr. Ralph Mason Ralph Mason II Roger Mason, Sr. Ezekiel Maudlin Dr. Patrick Maule William Maund, Sr. William Maund, Jr. Edward Mayo, Sr. Edward Mayo, Jr. Joseph Mayo Charles Merritt William Merritt Thomas Mewboorn Matthew Midyett James Milliken Abraham Mitchell, Sr. Abraham Mitchell, Jr. John Mitchell Adam Mohr George Moore Joseph Moore Roger Moore Robert Morgan John Morris Joseph Morris Zachariah Morris John Morrison George Moye, Sr. George Moye, Jr. Phillip Mulkey Abraham Mullen John Nelson, Sr. John Nelson, Jr. John Nelson III Gabriel Newby James Newby John Newby Miriam (Newby) Lamb Nathan Newby Samuel Newby William Newby Christopher Nicholson, Sr. Christopher Nicholson, Jr. Samuel Nicholson William Nicholson John Nixon Marmaduke Norfleet Henry Norman I Henry Norman II Edward Norwood Dennis O'Dear Elizabeth (Overman) Morris Ephraim Overman, Sr. Jacob Overman I Jacob Overman II John Overman Thomas Overman Robert Overton John Pace Richard Pace, Jr. Isaac Page Henry Palin, Sr. Henry Palin, Jr. Thomas Palin, Sr. Thomas Palin, Jr. Michael Paquinet, Jr. Thomas Paquinet, Jr. Azricam Parker Francis Parker James Parker (of Currituck) John Parker Richard Parker III Thomas Parker Thomas Parker (of Nansemond/Chowan) John Parrish Francis Parrott Jacob Parrott, Sr. John Patterson Robert Patterson Edmund Pearce, Sr. Edmund Pearce, Jr. Jonathan Pearson Rev. Peter Pearson John Peirce Thomas Peirce Thomas Peirce, Jr. Robert Peele I Robert Peele II Robert Peele III Robert Peele IV Henry Pendleton David Perkins Jacob Perry, Sr. Jeremiah Perry |
Robert Peyton II Henry Phelps II Paul Phillips Thomas Pierce Samuel Pike I Samuel Pike II James Poitevint Joseph Poitevint Peter Poitevint Solomon Pool Jacob Pope (d. 1752) Jacob Pope (d. 1772) William Pope John Porter, Sr. John Porter, Jr. Cader Powell George Powell John Powell George Powers Abigail (Prescott) Bounds John Pretlow William Pridgen Benjamin Pritchard Francis Pugh William Putnell Matthew Raiford Henry Raper, Sr. John Raper Andrew Read Lyonell Reading William Read Sarah (Reeves) Hicks William Reeves Capt. Thomas Relfe Dr. Thomas Relfe William Rhodes, Sr. Benjamin Ricks Isaac Ricks William Ricks (1771) James Rigney Joseph Roads Henry Robinson, Sr. Henry Robinson, Jr. Francis Rountree Moses Rountree Thomas Rountree Samuel Ruffin William Ruffin Richard Rustull, Sr. Richard Rustull, Jr. Edward Rutland James Rutland John Rutland Edward Salter Benjamin Sanders Hon. Richard Sanderson Caleb Sawyer Henry Sawyer John Sawyer of Bermuda Thomas Sawyer (d. 1720) Thomas Sawyer (d. 1765) Joseph Scott Rebecca (Sebrell) Pretlow Matthew Seller Culmer Sessoms Nicholas Sessums Thomas Sessums Darby Sexton Jeremiah Sexton William Sexton Francis Shackelford John Shackelford, Sr. John Shackelford, Jr. Thomas Sharbo David Shephard I David Shephard II Alexander Sherrod Prudence (Sherrod) Brown Robert Sherrod Daniel Shine John Shine John Sholar William Sholar Richard Silvester Edward Simmons Johannes Simon (of Craven) Robert Sims Ebenezer Slade Henry Slade, Sr. Henry Slade, Jr. Christian Sloback Benjamin Small John Small Charles Smith, Sr. Henry/Hendry Smith John Smith, Sr. Malachi Smith Nicholas Smith Robert Smith Thomas Smith I Thomas Smith II Edmund Smithwick Edward Smithwick Hugh Smithwick John Smithwick Roger Snell, Sr. Roger Snell, Jr. Col. John Snoad Richard Sowell, Sr. Richard Sowell, Jr. Capt. John Spann Francis Speight Thomas Speight John Speir Henry Speller Dr. James Spier James Spier, Jr. John Spivey Matthew Spivey Dr. Godfrey Spruill Samuel Spruill, Sr. Ann (Stafford) Forbes Shannon John Stafford Mary (Stafford) May Moulet William Stafford (d. 1728) William Stafford (d. 1765) Elias Stallings, Sr. John Stancell, Sr. Jonathan Standley Henry Stanton, Sr. Henry Stanton, Jr. Richard Stiball William Strickland Darby Sullivant John Sumner George Sutton I Joseph Sutton Joseph Sutton II Nathaniel Sutton Thomas Sutton Stephen Swaine Samuel Swann Mathias Tobias Swanner Richard Swinson Jeremiah Symonds Thomas Symons John Tarkington William Tarkington Sarah (_____) Taylor-Smith Thomas Taylor, Sr. Thomas Taylor William Thomas Francis Tomes Philip Torksey Susannah (_____) Travis John Trippe I Edward Trotman Henry Turner Robert Turner Solomon Turner Cornelius Tyson, Sr. Edmund Tyson Matthias Tyson Moses Tyson Susannah (Tyson) Hardee Thomas Tyson John Upton, Sr. Thomas Upton Edward Vail Jeremiah Vail John Vaughan Richard Vick I Thomas Vinson Alice (_____) Hawkins Davis Wade Ann Walker Robert Wallace, Sr. Robert Wallace, Jr. Thomas Wallace Thomas Waller Thomas Wallis William Wallis Thomas Walton, Sr. Robert Warburton Benjamin Ward Edward Ward Col. Edward Ward Enoch Ward James Ward John Ward Thomas Ward William Ward, Sr. Henry Warren William Watkins Thomas Weeks Rachel (Welch) Lawrence Pricklove Robert West, Jr. William Weston William Weston II John Wheatley Samuel Wheatley I John Whedbee, Sr. John Whedbee (d. 1784) Richard Whedbee Arnold White, Jr. George White Henry White, Sr. Henry White, Jr. John White II Patrick White Thomas White Arthur Whitehead Joseph Whitehead Col. William Whitehead Richard Whitehurst Luke Whitfield William Whitfield William Whitfield II Thomas Whitmel Anthony Williams, Sr. Anthony Williams, Jr. George Williams John Williams (of Perquimans) John Williams, Jr. Lewis Williams Richard Williams Samuel Williams William Williams William Williams (of Martin) Richard Williford I Richard Williford II John Williston Micall Wilson Robert Willson William Willson (of Northampton) William Willson (of Tyrrell) Lidia (Windley) Daw Robert Windley John Winslow Henry Woodard Henry Woodhouse John Woodhouse Andrew Woodley Thomas Woodley William Woodley Samuel Wright, Sr. Samuel Wright, Jr. Thomas Wynne George Wynns John Wynns John Yelverton, Sr. John Yelverton, Jr. |